Minna No Nihongo 2 Answer Key

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  6. Minna No Nihongo 2 Answer Key

Minna No Nihongo 2 Answer Key Pdf; Minna No Nihongo 2 Answer Key Pdf Download; This is the second edition of “ Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1 Honsatsu”. Vocabulary and conversational settings have been revised. Words that have gone out of usage have been replaced with new expressions frequently in use, and conversational settings have also been. Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 13 Review Section B Part 2 Page 112 This is an article where there are lots of questions needed to be answered using various kinds of particle. Based on the context of the problem, there is a need to use the exact particle which is suitable to fill the empty bracket as the answer.

This is an article where there are lots of questions needed to be answered using various kinds of particle. Based on the context of the problem, there is a need to use the exact particle which is suitable to fill the empty bracket as the answer. All of the problems is provided in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 13 Review Section B Part 2 in page 112.

Below are those problem answered :

1.Answer :

Kanji :


Hiragana :


Romaji :


Fakusu(de)repo-to wo okurimasu。

Meaning :

I send the report by facsimile.

Particle ‘de’ in the above problem is filled the empty bracket as the correct answer. It is the suitable answer since in the above sentence, particle ‘de’ is used to describe or indicate means or way of doing something. In the above context, it is the means for sending the report which is done by facsimile.

2.Answer :

Kanji :

アリアさんは ブラジルの お母さん(に)電話を かけました。

Hiragana :

アリアさんは ブラジルの おかあさん(に)でんわを かけました。

Romaji :

Aria-san wa burajiru no okaasan (ni) denwa wo kakemashita。

Meaning :

Aria called his or her mother whom in Brazil.

The answer in the above question is interrogative pronoun ‘dare’. It is used to ask the person whom the speaker called.

3.Answer :

Kanji : “stapler” は 日本語(で)「ホッチキス」です 。

Hiragana : “stapler” は にほんご(で)「ホッチキス」です 。

Romaji : “stapler” wa nihongo(de)「hocchikisu」desu 。

Meaning : “stapler” is hocchikisu in Japanese language。

Another answer using particle ‘de’ to answer the problem above and fill the empty bracket so that the sentence is correct.

4.Answer :

Kanji :わたしは 友達(に)本を 借りました。

Hiragana :わたしは ともだち(に)ほんを かりました。

Romaji :Watashi wa tomodachi (ni) hon wo karimashita。

Meaning :I borrowed a book from my friend.

Another particle ‘ni’ is used as the answer for the above question. It is indicating for an indirect object and it is actually the subject’s friend.

5.Answer :

Kanji :ミラーさんは 英語 (で)レポートを 書きます。

Hiragana :ミラーさんは えいご (で)レポートを かきます。

Romaji : Mira-san wa eigo (de) repo-to wo kakimasu.

Meaning : Mira is writing her report In English.

Particle ‘de’ in the above answer is pointing out in what way the report is going to be written. In the above context, it is written in English.

6.Answer :

Hiragana :ペキンは にぎやかです。 シャンハイ(も)にぎやかです。

Romaji :Pekin wa nigiyaka desu。 Shanhai(mo)nigiyaka desu。

Meaning :Peking is crowed. Shanghai is also crowded。

Particle ‘mo’ in the above problem is used to clarify that two subjects or things have an equal condition which is both cities, not only Peking but also Shanghai are very crowded.

7.Answer :

Kanji : わたしの うちは 静かです(が)、駅から 遠いです。

Hiragana : わたしの うちは 静かです(が)、駅から 遠いです。

Romaji : Watashi no uchi wa shizuka desu (ga) 、eki kara tooi desu。

Meaning : My home is quiet、 but it is far from the train station.

This problem is answered using particle ‘ga’ which is indicating contradiction between clauses composing the full sentence. The speaker satisfies when he or she said that his or her home is quiet but on the other hand his home is far away from the train station.

8.Answer :

Kanji :子供は チョコレート(が)好きです。

Hiragana :こどもは チョコレート(が)すきです。

Romaji :kodomo wa chokore-to (ga) suki desu。

Minna no nihongo listening

Meaning :children like chocolate。

Particle ‘ga’ is an appropriate answer since It is actually conveying a personal feeling of the subject which in the above problem’s context is to like chocolate.

9.Answer :

Kanji :ミラーさんは 料理( が)上手です。

Hiragana :ミラーさんは りょうり( が)じょうずです。

Romaji :Mira-san wa ryouri (ga) jyouzu desu。

Meaning :Mira is skillful at cooking.

Another particle ‘ga’ which is used as the answer in this problem. It Is used to describe the object of adjective ability and in this case it is ‘jyouzu’ or skillful.

10.Answer :

Hiragana : わたしは ひらがなと かたかな(が)わかります。

Romaji : Watashi wa hiragana to katakana (ga) wakarimasu。

Meaning : I understand hiragana and katakana.

The usage of the particle ‘ga’ in the above problem as the answer is because it is indicating the object of verbs of ability. That verb of ability is ‘wakaru’ and it is translated as ‘to understand’.

11.Answer :

Kanji : 用事(が)あります(から)、早く 帰ります。

Hiragana : ようじ(が)あります(から)、はやく かえります。

Romaji : Youji (ga) arimasu (kara) 、hayaku kaerimasu。

Meaning : Because I have an errand, task, things to do, (I) return back home early.

This problem’s answer is also using particle ‘ga’. It is using the particle to describe the existence of something and in the above problem it is the task, something to do or an errand. It is also written using particle ‘kara’ to connect the previously written clause with the clause written after creating a cause and effect sentence. It is because the speaker has a task, an errand or something to do, he return back home early.

12.Answer :

Kanji : 駅 ( の )前( に ) 銀行 が あります。

Hiragana : えき( の )まえ( に ) ぎんこう が あります。

Romaji : Eki ( no ) mae ( ni ) ginkou ga arimasu.

Meaning : There is a bank in front of the train station.

The answer is also using ‘doko’ to ask certain location of a place which in the above context is the location of the book store.

13.Answer :

Kanji : 花屋( と )本屋 ( の )間 ( に ) 靴屋が あります。

Hiragana : はなや( と )ほんや ( の ) あいだ ( に ) くつや が あります。

Romaji : Hanaya ( to ) honya ( no ) aida ( ni ) kutsuya ga arimasu.

Meaning : There is a shoe shop between the flower shop and the book shop.

The interrogative pronoun ‘itsu’ is used to answer the question filling the empty bracket. It is asking the number of apples the other person (counterpart) bought.

14.Answer :

Kanji : 庭( に ) だれ ( も ) いません。

Hiragana : にわ( に ) だれ ( も ) いません。

Romaji : Niwa ( ni ) dare ( mo ) imasen。

Meaning : There is no one in the yard。

The above problem answered with the combination of interrogative pronoun ‘nan’ with josushi or Japanese counter ‘nin’. Overall it is written as ‘nan nin’. The reason for combining it is that the question is asking the number of children Yamada has which is specified with the existence of ‘nin’ as Japanese counter for person.

15.Answer :

Kanji : 箱( の ) 中 ( に ) 何 ( も ) ありません。

Hiragana : はこ( の ) なか ( に ) なに ( も ) ありません。

Romaji : Hako ( no ) naka ( ni ) nani ( mo ) arimasen。

Meaning : There is nothing inside the box.

The answer for the above question is ‘nandai’. It is also a combination of interrogative pronoun ‘nan’ with another type of josushi (japanese counter) ‘dai’. The japanese counter ‘dai’ which is used to count for machine like computer is the key factor for the above combination as the answer to fill the empty bracket.


16.Answer :

Kanji : 松本さん ( は )どこですか。 。。。会議室( に ) います。

Hiragana : まつもとさん ( は )どこですか。 。。。かいぎしつ( に ) います。

Romaji : Matsumoto-san ( wa ) doko desuka。 。。。kaigishitsu ( ni ) imasu。

Meaning : Where is Matsumoto ? 。 。。。(He or she) is in the meeting room。

The answer is also combination of interogative pronoun ‘nan’ and ‘jikan’ which is a counter for time precisely ‘hour’. So, ‘nanjikan’ is asking how many hours does it take in the above problem to go from Kyoto to Hiroshima.

17.Answer :

Kanji : 冷蔵庫( に )卵( が )10 あります。

Hiragana : れいぞうこ ( に ) たまご ( が ) 10 あります。

Romaji : Reizouko ( ni ) tamago ( ga ) 10 arimasu。

Meaning : There are 10 eggs in the refrigerator。

The answer is in the above problem is a combination of interrogative pronoun ‘nan’ with ‘nen’. It is asking how many years did the subject is in Japan.

18.Answer :

Kanji : 大阪(から)東京(まで)飛行機(で)1時間 かかります。

Hiragana : おおさか(から)とうきょう(まで)ひこうき(で)1じかん かかります。

Romaji : Oosaka (kara) Toukyou (made) hikouki (de) 1 jikan kakarimasu。

Meaning : It takes 1 hour from Osaka to Tokyo using airplane.

The answer is using ‘interrogative pronoun’ dou to ask how was the condition of Thailand.

19.Answer :

Kanji : わたしは 兄(と)3人 います。

Hiragana : わたしは あに(と)3人 います。

Romaji : Watashi wa ani ( to ) 3 nin imasu。

Meaning : My and my older brothers it makes the three of us (exist)。

The answer is also using ‘dou’ to fill the empty bracket. It is an interrogative pronoun to ask how was situation or the condition in the party.

20.Answer :

Kanji : 1週間 ( に )1回 テニスを します。

Hiragana : 1しゅうかん ( に )1かい テニスを します。

Romaji : 1shuukan ( ni ) 1 kai tenisu wo shimasu。

Meaning : I play tennis once in a week。

The answer for the above question is particle ‘ni’. By using this particle to answer the problem, it is describing a time interval for number of occurrence of the activity specified. In the above problem, it is describing that the subject is playing tennis one time in a week.

21.Answer :

Hiragana : ビール( と )ジュース( と )、どちら ( が ) いいですか。

Romaji : Bi-ru( to )jyu-su( to )、dochira ( ga ) ii desuka。

Meaning : Between beer and juice, which one is the good one ?。

The answer is using particle ‘to’. It is connecting several items and those items are type of drinks which is asked. The problem specified is followed with particle ‘ga’ combined with an interrogative pronoun used to ask the preference of the type of drinks.

22.Answer :

Kanji : 中国は 日本( も )ずっと 人が 多いです。

Hiragana : ちゅうごくは にほん ( も ) ずっと ひとが おおいです。

Romaji : ちゅうごくは にほん( も )ずっと ひとが おおいです。

Meaning : Chuugoku wa nihon( mo )zutto hito ga ooi desu。

Particle ‘mo’ is used to answer the problem describing an equal value or condition which is possessed by both things. Those are the existence of lots people in both China and japan.

23.Answer :

Kanji : 果物 ( に )みかん( が ) いちばん好きです。

Hiragana : くだもの ( に ) みかん ( が ) いちばん すきです。

Romaji : kudamono ( ni ) mikan ( ga ) ichiban suki desu。

Meaning : Among the fruits, orange is the one I love the most。

The answer is using particle ‘ni’ to refer to a collection of items where particle ‘ga’ on the other hand is used to express the feeling or subjectivity of the speaker which is he or she like oranges among the fruits exist.

24.Answer :

Kanji : わたしは 新しい パソコン ( が ) 欲しいです。

Hiragana : わたしは あたらしい パソコン ( が ) ほしいです。

Romaji : Watashi wa atarashii pasokon ( ga ) hoshii desu.

Meaning : I want a new personal computer。

To express wish or something that someone want, particle ‘ga’ is used to fill the empty bracket as the answer. The speaker wishes a new personal computer.

25.Answer :

Hiragana : のど ( が ) かわりました。

Romaji : nodo ( ga ) kawakimashita.

Meaning : (My) throat was dry。

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The above problem is using particle ‘ga’ as the correct answer. It is used for expressing subjectivity where the speaker describes that his or her throat is dry.

26.Answer :

Kanji : デパート( へ ) プレゼントを 買い( に ) 行きました。

Hiragana : デパート( へ ) プレゼントを かい( に ) いきました。

Romaji : Depa-to( e ) purezento wo kai ( ni ) ikimashita。

Meaning : I went to the department store for buying present。

The particle for direction, particle ‘e’ is specifically indicate the way the speaker is going to. The next answer, particle ‘ni’ is specifically described the speaker is going to someplace for doing something.

27.Answer :

Kanji : 美術館( で )彼( に ) 会いました。

Hiragana : びじゅつかん( で )かれ( に ) あいました。

Romaji : Bijutsukan( de )kare( ni ) aimashita。

Meaning : I met him at the art museum。

Particle ‘de’ is for indicating place or location where an activity is carried out. Particle ‘ni’ on the other is for indicating the other person or counterpart whom described that he met the speaker.

28.Answer :

Kanji : カリナさんは 日本( で )美術( を )勉強( に ) 来ました。

Hiragana : カリナさんは にほん( で )びじゅつ( を )べんきょう( に ) きました。

Romaji : Karina-san wa nihon ( de ) bijutsu ( wo ) benkyou ( ni ) kimashita。

Meaning : Karina came to study arts in Japan。

29.Answer :

Minna No Nihongo Chuukyuu 2 Answer Key

Kanji : 毎朝 公園( で )散歩します 。

Hiragana : まいあさ こうえん ( で ) さんぽします。

Romaji : Mai asa kouen ( de ) sanpo shimasu。

Minna No Nihongo 2 Answer Key

Minna No Nihongo 1

Meaning : I take a stroll (walking) at the park every morning。

Minna No Nihongo 2 Choukai Answer Key

Particle ‘de’ is indicating the location or place used by the speaker to take a walk which is ‘the park’ in the above problem.

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The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 13 in Review Section B Part 2 on page 112.

Minna No Nihongo 2 Answer Key

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