Deadlands Reloaded Character Sheet


I've looked at the sheet to see if it's usable for original Deadlands: The Weird West from 1996 rather than the Savage Worlds version which is Reloaded. Looking at the sheet I think it's actually based on the 1996 version NOT the Reloaded 2006 version. So, I went and found the original sheets for both versions and they are very different. This booklet contains a character sheet for filling out and pages for notes, character portraits, maps, NPC rosters, and more, so your character is ready to play anytime! This Character Folio is for Deadlands Classic and does not require Savage Worlds or Deadlands Reloaded to use. I love the Deadlands character sheet! Just two minor issues though. Page 2 says that the weight limit is 'Fue x '. Since the rest of the sheet is in English, I would assume that you would use 'Str x '. Also, any chance you could modify the money section so that there is a third spot for 'Other $' (for Mormon Money, Church Scrip, or whatever. 22 May 2007 Character Sheets A plethora of different styles for you to record your Custom Deadlands: Reloaded Sheet. Author, Lord Skudley printable dvd media printable deadlands reloaded character sheet. May 18, 2009 These activities are a great way to spend a rainy afternoon! Printable enneagram test printable hidden object games.

If any brave souls want to help test out some new character sheet printing features for FG, please check the following links. There are XSL sheets for D&D 4E, D&D 5E and Deadlands Reloaded. You should be able to look at those files (the deadlands and 5E ones may be the easiest to follow) and build your own XSL sheets or modify the ones included. This is just an early alpha stage at this point. If we like this general approach, then we can look to include this functionality as a built-in component to Fantasy Grounds once we complete the move to Unity.Sheet
Link to the file:

Deadlands Reloaded Character Sheet Fillable


Deadlands Reloaded Character Sheet Tabletop Simulator


Deadlands Reloaded Character Sheet Fillable

Steps to print your character:
  1. Launch the Campaign and go to the Character Select Window
  2. Export the character using the list menu (turn on first)
  3. Launch the character printing tool
  4. Select an XSL sheet that matches that system (only 3 supported right now)
  5. Select your character xml file that you exported earlier
  6. Select the name of the output HTML
  7. View the result in the launched web browser and print